Monday, July 25, 2016

Primobolan 100: Dosage and Period

primobolan 100 dosage and period

Although steroid Primobolan is a quality product, yet he is quite weak. Primobolan in a dosage of less than 400 mg per week - a rather pointless exercise and a waste of money. Generally, in the use of anabolic steroids, "more" does not necessarily mean "better" (due to side effects and other problems), but in the case primobolan specifically, the more the better. When taken with testosterone and primobolan, 400-800 mg per week will be the effective dose, and the higher the dose, the more it is effective. In this set of Primobolan will have two main activities. Firstly, it will enhance the effect of testosterone, so that 500 mg of testosterone enanthate is equivalent in effectiveness to 750 mg or more. Secondly, Primobolan is very loyal to the diet. You can continue at the same rate to obtain high-quality muscle, even if some deviations from the diet from time to time. However, in combination with the protein diet, primobolan testosterone will do wonders.

For those who would like to take primobolan without testosterone, you must use a minimum of 600-800 mg per week. If you can afford it, the 1000 mg a week will give amazing results. Some people often ask about the use of Primobolan with trenbolone. This combination is possible, but it must be understood that without testosterone your male power, is likely to be quite at zero, and you will need some medication for sexual rehabilitation, as well as the total replacement therapy. Even so, for those who do not want to take testosterone with trenbolone primobolan - the best course for drying! Another very good free testosterone course consists of primobolan (600-1000 mg per week) and anavar (60-80 mg per day).

Primobolan is necessary to take at least 12 weeks, meaning that Primobolan actually starts to work only 5-6 weeks of treatment, when the muscles are completely saturated with the drug. Primobolan in a large amount is also useful for those who use higher doses of testosterone and experiencing because of this problem with gusto. Primobolan has no such effect, so if you set weight it gives a chance to sit on the protein diet. As already mentioned, primobolan actually suppresses the potency, but it is hardly half-depressing as testosterone. So, a 12-week course of taking effect on suppressing primobolan force similar 6-week course of testosterone. For this reason, it is possible to use only 20 weeks primobolan, without fear of a very heavy recovery during post-cycle therapy.